Frangipani (Plumeria) Oil in healing and symbol


Frangipani is one of my favourite essential oils to work with and it is also expensive to purchase (10ml =up to$40).  But I couldn’t simply live with out it – the  sweet scent of buttery soft  floral petals enhanced by citrus is very appetizing!! I remember in my teens I would try to make my own flower infusions (not successfully I might add). I find Frangipani a wonderful companion to Australian Sandalwood (another favourite of mine).

My house is blessed with this beautiful tree, one sheltering my bedroom window and the others framing the front of the house. It’s beautiful waxy cream and yellow flowers make me happy, and it is a joy to see the flowers reappearing between December and April each year.


Frangipani is one of the most enticing and captivating scents due to its uplifting and soul soothing qualities and Ancient Indians believed it to be the “Tree of Life” due to its healing capacity. The oil will instantly relieve stress and replenish the mind and body, to induce peace and tranquility in your internal and external awareness. It also helps one to regain confidence and self-esteem, while soothing and relaxing the nerves and muscles of the body.  

In the language of flowers, Frangipani (Plumeria) are said to stand for love long in absence and it is associated with “love” in Feng Shui. According to Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (by Scott Cunningham; Llewellyn Publications, 1984) the frangipani (plumeria) is associated with the feminine, ruled by Venus, its element is water, its deity is Buddha, its power is love and its magical uses are in love spells.

“Warming” oils — such as those from Frangipani, Sandalwood, Lotus flower, Frankinense, Cinnamon and Basil — are said to have a calming influence on those suffering from fear, anxiety, insomnia or tremors, according to the principles of Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old Indian holistic science that seeks to balance mind, body and spirit.

Here is an overview of the oil properties

Fragrance: sweet, heady, fruity, floral

Emotions: Relieves stress (sedative), refreshes, instills high self-esteem, inspires romance, fearlessness, self harmonizing; Uplifts overall emotions about the self and the surrounding environment.

Skincare: Moisturizing on the skin (used by massage therapists to moisturize during massage). Smoothes dry and cracked skin, absorbs easily and helps keep skin soft. In India the oil has been used as the treatment for itches and fevers. It is believed that Mayan people added it for skin treatments.

Physical: Aphrodisiac, astringent, relieves inflammation, antioxidant, purifying, tones, reduces headache, relieves back pain and tinnitus, soothes and relaxes nerves and muscles; Excellent for maintaining well-functioning systems throughout the body.

Spiritual: Inner and outer self-awareness, inner peace and harmony, uplifts spirits and nourishes the soul.

Chakras Affected: First Chakra: Represents Courage, Passion, and Loyalty. This chakra allows one to be grounded and connected to the Earth. Fourth Chakra: Promotes love and a sense of trust in the grand design

Please visit my ETSY Shop to purchase ILUKA Desert Dew, it combines the beauty and benefits of Frangipani and Sandalwood.

Here is a photo of some energy around the Frangipani tree at my house.

Here is a photo of some energy around the Frangipani tree at my house.

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